The highest evolution of druid

Friday, 22 May 2009

VOA- the duck is broken

Not sure how "broke my duck" translates in the many languages of the blogosphere. I think its a cricket related term, meaning if you are out for no score you were out for a "duck". If you break your duck, it means you have finally scored. A bit like 6 months of getting turned down by hot females and then suddenly pulling a corker out of the blue.If you don't know what cricket is, then the analagy will be completely wasted on you.

Long and the short of it is, the Boomdaddy has been faithfully slogging it out in VOA week in week out since it was spawned from Blizzards bottom. We have never had a drop there. Nothing. Nada. Nitch. Fat fuck all. It's become a joke between me and myself. However, after last nights 25 man Naxx run (which I missed due to work) we did a run to VOA and what do you know? Yup, first new guild run and the T8 legs drop. Two droods in party, other one roles 51....Boomdaddy trembles like a shitting grey hound......71 boooyah. Gimme gimme gimme.....happy dance....flying feathers!

Thursday, 21 May 2009

Changing more than a Lightbulb

Yes, the BoomMummy is still here.  I've lived through the BoomDaddy leaving the guild (on good terms - well done to him!).  He hasn't murdered me, and nor have I disappeared completely into one of my many other incarnations.  What has happened is that real life building work on my house has messed things up rather a lot.  I still have no bathroom, and now wash myself before work while standing in a bucket by a sink downstairs.  I also now have no kitchen (the previous one annoyed me too much...).  Me and my partner now live in one room of the house - the only one we can fit into that doesn't have packing boxes or builders in it.  The good news is that give or take a couple of weeks, we should be able to start living properly again.  And yes, we do have new lighting everywhere!  It looks gorgeous!  So, anyone is more than welcome to pop round and play with my lightbulbs whenever they want!

Boomdaddy came round for a drinking visit before we started all this work, and we had a great time.  Boomkins should always stick together after all :)  He'll be round again once I can find more than one drinking glass.

Anyway, in honor of a time when I had slightly more hours to play games (and hopefully will do again soon) here is an early Friday Mage Joke.  I know you've missed them - I can just feel it in my water.  Enjoy! XXX

An angry moonkin was walking down the middle of the street, bobbing her head saying "88, 88, 88, 88."

Sally Fireball, our favourite mage from previous jokes, saw her and asked her why she did it.  The angry moonkin replied 'I do it because it's fun!' and continued walking, shouting back 'You should try it!'

So, the angry moonkin and Sally Fireball both walked along the middle of the road, saying "88, 88, 88, 88."

All of a sudden a huge truck came hurtling along the road at great speed and the angry moonkin jumped out of the way.

The angry moonkin paused, ignored the crushing, splattering sound, then continued her journey, saying "89, 89, 89..."

Ooh, that one was mean!  Lots of love, Boommummy XXX

Catching up

It has been a mix of a week, for the Boomdaddy.

The new guild appears fine and dandy, a few very friendly people and no one yet has found themselves on the Boomdaddy's shoot in the face list. As always with a new guild it is a fine line to walk, between being keen and friendly on one hand and being an attention whore on the other. So for now we are keeping our antlers down a bit and just doing our boom thing.

Raiding has been a bit hit and miss this week. As a "social" member I always knew that I would have to bide my time and wait for some dead mans shoes to fill but I still feel frustrated when i don't get the shout for Ulduar. Saying that I did get to join the raid team twice this week and saw Hodin and Thorim for the first time which was a nice taster of the harder Ulduar bosses. Came 5th, 6th, 8th and 10th in the dps on Thorim, so was mostly pleased for a first time up against the front line raiders. School report would say "OK but could do better".

We did a guild Naxx 25 over the weekend which was great for the boombaby as she picked up some professor plums and I came second on the dps overall, which was nice "pick me!!!" bait for the raid leaders and officers that were there on alts etc.

All in all, very happy with the move to the new place. I do miss my old guildies, but I also feel like a weight has been lifted off me and I feel like I am actually chilling out more and enjoying the game a bit more outside of raiding. Logging on has become more of a choice, rather than a necesity.

Sunday, 10 May 2009

Old and New

Apologies if the last post was slightly esoteric. The guild of which I was an officer had decided to make some changes in the guild structure and ethos. The GM felt that it was time the give the members the choice of raiding or social membership, something that I put forward as an idea a year or so ago. After the Ulduar-lull and the general couldn't care bear attitude of many so called raiders, it was a good move and has galvanised the raiding team somewhat.It was good by fluffy raiding and hello serious raiding, hence the music clips.

Unfortunately, I had to bite my lip as many of the people who let us down in the lull were rushing to sign up as raider members and denied the fact that they play like socials. The frustration of having to go back to Naxx to gear up the players that had stopped raiding Naxx while waiting for Ulduar, was becoming intolerable to me. It is not easy to miss the irony of not being able to do Ulduar because so many were under geared as they had stopped raiding Naxx WHILST WAITING FOR ULDUAR!!!

So, the guild was probably lurching forward to a position where I would have been happier, in terms of the curve from social to hardcore raiding, but I was feeling increasing pissed off day by day. The new structure was to also bring in changes to the status of officers. Gone was the idea of elected officers,replaced by GM,deputy,recruitment and social member officer and a "raid council". While I was perfectly happy to see the streamlining of the officers (and step down), I had a troubling feeling about a whole new swathe of semi officers with their own chat channel. It felt like we were going back to the bad old days where we had around 15 or so officers.

As an officer, I did not have a clear role, as just like me, my GM is a control freak and likes to take the reigns on just about everything. I liked, and still like the GM alot, he is a great player and deep down a really nice guy, but it was coming to the point where all we did was argue and trade insults. That situation is not good for a guild and not good for anyone who is purporting to be playing a game. So I left, yup I simply downed tools and did the off. I perhaps should have made a farewell post on the forums but i honestly believe that it was just better to disappear. If people stand and look at a leaving post by an officer too long, they start to waiver and that is not good for a guild that I really do love to bits.

So what now? Well i took a week away to think what I wanted. I put a baby alt into a ultra social guild that I had been a part of in a previous lfe before raiding. I then looked at what to do with the Boomdaddy. Through friends and aquaintances I was asked to apply to 3 of the top 10 raiding guilds on my server. 2 were purely hardcore and one was a very progressive hardcore guild with a strong social side. I have been Booming alot recently with my lady friend and I wanted to be in a guild where I could raid seriously but that would also be perfect for the other half also. Due to work, she cannot raid as often as she would like.
So we decided upon the progressive guild with the strong social side, unfortunately their raid roster is full so I had to make a social application too. They know, I think, that my social membership to them is a marriage of convenience and some have tacitly implied that I should be raiding full time as soon as a place appears. In the meantime I am doing social guild runs into Naxx and Ulduar and a bit of ad hoc raiding with one of the 2 hardcore guilds I mentioned earlier. General Vezax was a complete blast last night, I must say.

So, thats the state of play with the Boomdaddy. Hopefully there will be plenty to talk about again soon.

Boom love.