The highest evolution of druid
Sunday, 26 July 2009
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Guest Post 1
Bloody irritating boomkins !!!!!
Boomkins form a Raid leaders prospective
The Boom Daddy asked me to write this a while back , in his grand scheme to create not only a vaguely readable blog about boomkins , but to have it be a resource for the boomkin community nest . At least that’s how he explained it to me. He seems to think boomkins will find this useful , I wasn’t aware most boomkins could read , but hey he asked nicely .
What do boomkins bring to the raid ?
A good question , well lets see , a funky dance , something approaching dps , a useful in fight raid buff , a battle rez , immunity to polymorph ( sometimes not that much of a benefit ). Off healing ( and more about that in a minute ) , raid buff , and semi viable crowd control , a slightly more viable crowd control for beast mobs , an emergency mana pool ,,, and ,,,, erm ,,,, okay that's about it . but that’s quite a lot
Whats all that mean ?
Arh yes , what does all that mean , it means a boomkin is a utility , a very versatile one that aside something approaching dps has other benefits it brings to a raid . BUT here is the bit that frustrates the hell out of a raid leader , all that is all well and good if it is used the right way , and a waste of time and effort if it isn’t . Utility doesn’t mean utensil , don’t be a spoon . So lets move on to ……
The biggest single sin of the boomkin , ( and one that can be thrown at that other ultra versatile dps class the elemental shaman ) Healing.
Boomkins , and sharman alike have the terrible propensity to off heal in a fight .
Now sometimes that’s a good thing , and some times it isn’t , and knowing which is which is the real black magic of the raiding boomkin , and the bit so many get wrong so often. And you watch them slide down the dps chart and the boss hit enrage because the boomkin just did not trust the healers to do their job enough . They pop out of boom to put a heal on themselves , or on the tank , or a aoe heal on the raid , rather than just trust the healers to be on top of their job . Did the healers stop healing and dps half way through the fight for ten seconds , eating their mana pool , nope . So why does the boomkin ? Trust in the healers to do their job .. and you do yours .
I looked at some raid stats from a fight with ignis last night on heroic uldar ,, and bottom of the DPS was an elemental sharman ( not mine I may add , catch me healing when not required on a cold day in hell ) who’s dps was 400 down on normal ,, what could account for this ,, well I am only guessing but the since he spent 80% of the time casting dps spells and 20% of the time chain healing on himself .
This is a fight where we had six healer’s, who are completely on top of the fight , we don’t lose a single man it the kill.
That sharman has ”Boom disease” throwing about heals because he thinks it’s the right thing , or that its needed , or “just to help out the healers “ the equivalent of saying “yay look at me I’m participating “ As a sharman player I feel the need to take that young sharman on one side and slap him till he sees sence ,, as I do with every boomkin in the world .
The healers are on top , the raid leader has not said “ help off heal a little during phase X , Y , Z .. then don’t heal , even if your down to 5% health , don’t heal , let the healers do there job , pop a health stone if you have to , but keep on with the wrath and feathers . The raid leader will tell you in advance if your going to do any off healing , if he doesn’t, don’t unless mid fight he asks you to do it because a healer died ,, literally just do what your good at and DPS . Utility doesn’t mean utensil , don’t be a spoon
The wasting of battle resses , a minor seeming sin ,, “ hell the rogue died , I’ll pop a rez on him ..” and a minute later the tank dies ,, and the off tank picks up the mob , but the off tank has to off tank the add mob in 30 seconds and we need the tank back up and …..
Raid leader says ” you rezed the rogue ,, that one , that misbegotten piece of filth that has the dps of a wet haddock , the guy lowest down the dps chart every raid because he’s basically a waste of space and we bring him to fill out the raid and you rezzed him ????? that one who died a minute later by not running out of the AOE blast again , in exactly the same way he died the first time , and you wasted your battle rez on him ?????????”
The raid leader will , we’ll I always will , call for whom he want’s rezing , and by whom , And more than once it will be rezing a healer over a dps , or a tank over a healer ,, or that other boomkin so he can then rez the tree who can then rez the hunter who’s top end dps , and leave the rogue alone . Utility doesn’t mean utensil , don’t be a spoon .
The waste of innovate , now this is an odd one ,, about 5 months ago , I asked a boomkin when he was flat out of mana three quarters of the way through every boss fight ,, and he said “ I innovated the dis priest because she whispered me and asked for the innovate . “
Fair enough says I , well what was the problem in the next fight ,, “ I innovated the dis priest because she whispered me and asked for the innovate .”
And the next “ I innovated the dis priest because she whispered me and asked for the innovate .I think she has it on macro “
Right ,, how long have you be doing this , “ oh every raid for the last six months “
Raid leaders head hits table
Here's the thing ,, innovate is lovely ,, it’s a great get out of jail toy , particularly if a healer cops it early in a fight and gets soul stoned up or battle rezed and is on low mana , hell hit innovate , help out the team in a big way and lets party on .. but every raid , same priest , every fight ? then the priest has a problem with mana and needs to solve it , you need your innovate for yourself or the emergency ..
Perhaps you should mention this to the raid leader , because he would sooner have your innovate around for get out of jail refresh the mana of the MT healer , rather than matter of course oh the dis priest needs an innovate again …. Utility doesn’t mean utensil , don’t be a spoon .
SIN 4 ,
Boomrage ,, the propensity to over agro with the massive aoe ,, learn to use it approximately see reference every fucking dps class in the world ever . Utility doesn’t mean utensil , don’t be a spoon .
Strut the funky chicken .. learn to move when you have to and where you have to and listen when a raid leader gives out instructions and take the time to read up on a boss you know is coming up , see reference every fucking dps class in the world ever . Utility doesn’t mean utensil , don’t be a spoon
Tidal wave (typhoon) . oh look I can knock back the mob ,, ,,,,,,,,
The tank will hate you , it’s a great spell use it at the right time , don’t use it just because its there see reference every fucking dps class in the world ever . Utility doesn’t mean utensil , don’t be a spoon
“I’m a boomkin , I’m Special “ your not , your just another dps option , if you want to be first on the pick list for a raid don’t rely on being a boomkin to get you in , put it all together and be a fucking great boomkin . and remember the most important lesson
Utility doesn’t mean utensil , don’t be a spoon
Note to all SINs 4 to 7 are universal to all dps classes , but if you don’t get them right sins 1 to 3 won’t matter a jot because you will not be on the raid in the first place
Funny Old Month more like it!
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Funny old day
Raiding guild has disintegrated apparently, the officers and a few raiders left in the past week. Today was an Old Testament exodus by the looks of it. Guild has called a halt to 25 man raiding.
Its an interesting dynamic to me how fast a successful raiding guild can implode. Server 5th/7th/9th, couple of bad weeks and they do a Deathnugget explode corpse routine.
I guess one thing is always true in raiding guilds. It is easy to put up with hand shandy merchants when you are all progressing. When progression stops, everyone suddenly realises there is nothing left to make them put up with the twats they have been playing with. Most of the raiding guilds I would have a look at have already been applied to by the twats, so the Boomdaddy is unsure what to do. My one real friend in the guild left today also, so there are no ties at all there now. With no 25 man raiding on the agenda for the foreseeable future, what is a Boomkin to do?
Do we swallow the bitter pill of Blizz's obsequious pampering of scrubs and come back to WoW? Do we apply to a top raiding guild? Do we go back home to the old lovelies? Or just call it a day and jog on.
Its trickier than the thorny issue of why Horde boomkins do not have antlers.....they are presumably the females and alliance are males.....that's just too much for me. I can't shag a moo cow.
Saturday, 20 June 2009
RIP WoW- or death by patch 3.2
Yes Blizz, I am looking at you with my Boomdaddy eye of Mordor. Why are you systematically destroying everything that I care about in this damn time sink of a game?
What has got my goat? Patch 3.2 has. Most specifically, the proposed changes to the emblem and badge system.
ALL Heroic instances and Pre-Ulduar raids will now drop Emblems of Conquest instead of Heroism or Valor.
Heroic Daily and Daily Dungeon quests will also award Emblems of Triumph.
Ok, it seems that Blizzard is not satisfied with the already dumbed down product that WoW has become. Now it needs to feed T8.5 and T9 gear to the scrubs who cannot handle real raid content. I mean for fucks sake break this down.....lets say the average scrub plays for 3 hours per day Monday-Friday and 6-8 hours over the weekend. How many Emblems of Conquest can said scrub pick up in a good week?
Lets see...
47 Emblems per week from Heroic 5 mans IF they only do each one once per week. (if you ran CoS and Gundrak daily it would be 77 Emblems just for those 2 instances).
15 Emblems from a Naxx 10 clearence
15 Emblems from a Naxx 25 clearance
6 from VoA (10 and 25)
2 from EoE (10 and 25)
8 from OS (10 and 25)
So whats that , then? 93 Emblems (or 123 if you do CoS/Gundrak) without breaking too much of a sweat. Jesus wept. Throw in 14 Emblems of Triumph for doing the two instance dailies for T9 good measure, why don't you Blizz?
Which ever way you shake it, the worst players are going to have T8.5, T9 and Ulduar crafted gear coming out of their scrub arses inside 4 weeks. Yes Ulduar best in slot crafted gear! Why? Because all those Emblems means Runed orbs from heaven, like it was Christmas.
And what is all this about? Money. Top end raiders (that are now leaving the game in droves)make up 5% maybe of the customer base. Casuals the other 95%. If Blizzard lose the 500,000 raiders due to the homogeneous soup of shit that the game is becoming, so be it. The will replace them with 4 million more punters that want to be spoon fed content and gear, without having to put any effort in to learn their class or instances. The scrubs will be visiting Ulduar for the first time with gear that already outclasses the instance content. Its ridiculous Blizzard, totally gut fucking wrenchingly obscene. But its what the whiners on the forums want, and they are the ones that will pay your juicy bonus at Christmas time and fluff your share options.
It ain't much and will make no difference....but you are not getting my subscription money this month psycho Blizz. Poke it where it smells funny. I am going to have a look at what else is out there, starting with a 10 day free trial with Warhammer. Yeah, its probably shite but it is worth a look and a change of scenery. Its at 20% download right now and taking forever. After that who knows. If nothing grips me it will either be back to WoW or give up all this MMORPG non sense and concentrate on work, and my screen play.
In the meantime happy Booming.
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
Raiding at last
Hodir and Freya were on the menu last night. I wasn't picked for the raid but after a successful voodoo ceremony involving a virgin chicken, I got drafted in half way through. It was only the second time I had seen Hodir, so was nice to get him down first shot. More importantly i did beat a couple of the front liners in dps, yay for the Boomdaddy. Most importantly I did not die so was saved the indignity of looking like a noobling.
Seeing Freya for the first time was full of win. New content simply breathes life back into these bones. Ok we only had time for two quick attempts at her which ended in wipes but it was still awe inspiring. The location and landscape were a fabulous contrast to the rest of the towering structures of Ulduar.
BUT. There is always a but. I did not feel the same rush of excitement seeing these bosses as I had felt in TBC, seeing Hydross and Lurker for the first time. I do not know if this is because I do not feel part of this raid team yet, or whether I have changed, or whether Blizzard has messed with the game so much and dumbed it down, that I don't feel the right to feel proud or excited anymore. Maybe because things have become so accessible there is no thought or feeling of being special by completing this content. It is not the case now that only decent players got past Lurker and dreamed of seeing Black Temple. Its now a given, that it may take 3-4 months longer than the top raid guilds too see all content.....but you will get to see it. Good players and scrubs alike.
That makes me sad. The drive to clear SSC was partly to be one of the few who enjoyed the hospitality of BT. It was about new, challenging content that was a gear and skill check...but it was also about prestige.My old guild was ranked around 16-18th on the server when the nerf bat patch hit end game content in TBC and we were only 2-3 bosses into SSC. I think that tells a story when compared to guild progress now. I want to Cheer again when a boss goes down, not simply tick him off an achievement list. Am i wrong?
Friday, 22 May 2009
VOA- the duck is broken
Long and the short of it is, the Boomdaddy has been faithfully slogging it out in VOA week in week out since it was spawned from Blizzards bottom. We have never had a drop there. Nothing. Nada. Nitch. Fat fuck all. It's become a joke between me and myself. However, after last nights 25 man Naxx run (which I missed due to work) we did a run to VOA and what do you know? Yup, first new guild run and the T8 legs drop. Two droods in party, other one roles 51....Boomdaddy trembles like a shitting grey hound......71 boooyah. Gimme gimme gimme.....happy dance....flying feathers!
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Changing more than a Lightbulb
Catching up
The new guild appears fine and dandy, a few very friendly people and no one yet has found themselves on the Boomdaddy's shoot in the face list. As always with a new guild it is a fine line to walk, between being keen and friendly on one hand and being an attention whore on the other. So for now we are keeping our antlers down a bit and just doing our boom thing.
Raiding has been a bit hit and miss this week. As a "social" member I always knew that I would have to bide my time and wait for some dead mans shoes to fill but I still feel frustrated when i don't get the shout for Ulduar. Saying that I did get to join the raid team twice this week and saw Hodin and Thorim for the first time which was a nice taster of the harder Ulduar bosses. Came 5th, 6th, 8th and 10th in the dps on Thorim, so was mostly pleased for a first time up against the front line raiders. School report would say "OK but could do better".
We did a guild Naxx 25 over the weekend which was great for the boombaby as she picked up some professor plums and I came second on the dps overall, which was nice "pick me!!!" bait for the raid leaders and officers that were there on alts etc.
All in all, very happy with the move to the new place. I do miss my old guildies, but I also feel like a weight has been lifted off me and I feel like I am actually chilling out more and enjoying the game a bit more outside of raiding. Logging on has become more of a choice, rather than a necesity.
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Old and New
Unfortunately, I had to bite my lip as many of the people who let us down in the lull were rushing to sign up as raider members and denied the fact that they play like socials. The frustration of having to go back to Naxx to gear up the players that had stopped raiding Naxx while waiting for Ulduar, was becoming intolerable to me. It is not easy to miss the irony of not being able to do Ulduar because so many were under geared as they had stopped raiding Naxx WHILST WAITING FOR ULDUAR!!!
So, the guild was probably lurching forward to a position where I would have been happier, in terms of the curve from social to hardcore raiding, but I was feeling increasing pissed off day by day. The new structure was to also bring in changes to the status of officers. Gone was the idea of elected officers,replaced by GM,deputy,recruitment and social member officer and a "raid council". While I was perfectly happy to see the streamlining of the officers (and step down), I had a troubling feeling about a whole new swathe of semi officers with their own chat channel. It felt like we were going back to the bad old days where we had around 15 or so officers.
As an officer, I did not have a clear role, as just like me, my GM is a control freak and likes to take the reigns on just about everything. I liked, and still like the GM alot, he is a great player and deep down a really nice guy, but it was coming to the point where all we did was argue and trade insults. That situation is not good for a guild and not good for anyone who is purporting to be playing a game. So I left, yup I simply downed tools and did the off. I perhaps should have made a farewell post on the forums but i honestly believe that it was just better to disappear. If people stand and look at a leaving post by an officer too long, they start to waiver and that is not good for a guild that I really do love to bits.
So what now? Well i took a week away to think what I wanted. I put a baby alt into a ultra social guild that I had been a part of in a previous lfe before raiding. I then looked at what to do with the Boomdaddy. Through friends and aquaintances I was asked to apply to 3 of the top 10 raiding guilds on my server. 2 were purely hardcore and one was a very progressive hardcore guild with a strong social side. I have been Booming alot recently with my lady friend and I wanted to be in a guild where I could raid seriously but that would also be perfect for the other half also. Due to work, she cannot raid as often as she would like.
So, thats the state of play with the Boomdaddy. Hopefully there will be plenty to talk about again soon.
Boom love.
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Boomdaddy Busy with Boombaby
Ulduar has come, thank god. Its hard..harder than a guy in a mac, standing on street corners, playing with mustard. Dirty mac, with dirty bits of onions where they should not be. We wiped on trash and we have never been so pleased. It has made the guild re-assess what we are and what we are doing. It is also seperating the wheat from the chaff.
We went back to Naxx 25 tonight, for a breather...and also to gear up some guildies. It is ironic that we are doing that now, when they could not be arsed to bother to sign up in the Ulduar-lul.
If they had all stuck around and raided in the lull, we would have been ready for Ulduar, they could not be bothered though, so we have to go back and pick up the pieces. The Boomdaddy was second overall in damage, but we did not run WWS so we dont know the breakdown. 4413 overall. Pleased enough, jobs a good'en.
As a side note Boommummy had her birthday today, she still whooped the pure classes even though she was a bit squiffy.God bless her and a big "happy boomday" to her. We all wish many happy returns...she got the Dying Curse, so can't complain, the moaning cow.
Summary is that Blizz may have saved its arse for a bit, as Ulduar seems a good enough gear and skill check for now. How are you guys finding it? Any adjustments being made in the guild to cope with it?
Friday, 17 April 2009
Friday Mage Joke
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Patch day- Ulduar
Friday, 10 April 2009
Mage Joke
Thursday, 9 April 2009
I DO like being in a social/rading/casual/whatthefuckareweguild. I do , honestly. But it has it's frustrations. Listening to the Epic Dolls last podcast had me nodding and shaking my head in tandem. Go listen, its good stuff. Casual, intermediate or hardcore...that is the question..and there are no slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.
Our guild manifesto clearly states that we will never be a hardcore raiding guild but our rules say that everyone must be fully gemmed, enchanted, buffed, food-ed up, flasked etc if they wish to raid. We do ask people to watch videos and learn fights.Too fucking right, I might add.
Are we social, are we dedicated? Laissez-faire or progressive? Caught in the gap, I think it will be called.
The problems are many and not easily solved.
Firstly, you have the old skool, the founding fathers. They were a bunch of good friends that started playing WoW and formed a guild of close mates, which then grew. Some are casual and social, some are pioneers and raid-addicts, some are lazy arsed bastards that cannot be bothered, as their role is set in stone.
Secondly we have many social members, as we are a "social" guild. Many are great and due to life's rich tapestry, can only play as social members. That is coolio in the Boomdady's book. They add allot on a social basis, that's we are about, right.
Thirdly -the Slackers. They have had their loot and now watch, like purvey raincoat wearing deviants. "Good luck tonight" they say before making some excuse as to why they cannot raid...then turn up on an alt and spend the night leveling.Or have "serious connection issues"....same old same old, ball sacks. I have never known as many connection issues, graphic card failures or other wibbly pc shit in all my life.
Fourthly- the lurkers. The ones that can not be arsed to enchant or gem their gear, or sign up for raids. They lurk in dark corners waiting to ninja a raid invite. They get asked to come as the raid is short, inevitably picking up gear that they don't deserve , after being given flasks and food because "they did not expect to to be asked to raid". Fuck off and die, please you gravy sucking pigs.
Lastly- plain old slags. Got the loot and have disappeared till Ulduar. Or the Cal-syndrome as I will call it. Because we are "social" you will all come running back when Ulduar drops. We will be understanding because you had serious pc issues, while you were actually off leveling your alts.
deep breath.
Is there any real way to maintain a "social/casual/wtf" raiding guild, long term? Or will the best raiders disappear to progress guilds every summer and chancers use us to get gear in the meantime?As they seem to do every year.
Can there be a good middle ground? or do intermediate guilds need to say "Fuck em all and share the kids out for Christmas". We maybe "casual" but it does not mean we have to be casual, or complacent or naive.
You tell me, rant over.
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
Monday, 6 April 2009
Busy Busy
GM- 21 signed up...1 not ready. Call it or do Sarth 20 man achievement?
Officers chat- *groan*
GM- Fook off we can do it
OC- Fook off, we can't
GM- WE ARE going to do it.
OC- *Sobs*
GM- In that case we will do it with 1 drake up too.
OC- *Screams of pain from officers.*
GM- Well, we lose 5 people straight away normally, so really it is like we have a full team, just without the deaths.
OC-Twisted logic, but logic just the same.
GM- GM logic at its finest.
Sooo long and short of it, half hour or so later we downed Sarth +1 with 20 peeps. Not bad eh, for a hardcore/social/casual/sort of raiding guild. After that little adventure you would think the Military quarter and last 2 bosses would be a cake walk, to complete a two day clearance, right? Nope, we then wiped all night on the Instructor with 25 peeps.
Funny old life huh?
Thursday, 2 April 2009
Friday's come early!
A Warlock, Moonkin and a Mage walk into that very building - with a mission to get their dearest wishes granted. They head straight for the magic mirror. The Warlock goes first and says, ‘I think I’m the best DPS class there is!’ - PLOFF! - the mirror swallows her up and she’s gone for eternity.
Next, the Moonkin goes up to the mirror and says ‘I think Battle rezzing really nerfs my DPS’ - PLOFF! - now she’s gone too.
Lastly, the Mage goes up to the mirror and says, ‘I think…’ - PLOFF!
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
We love VoA
Shammy 2nd, Shadow Whoos 3rd, Lock 4th, Mage 5th, Deathnugget 6th....shame on you all. And shame on the Boomkin in 9th and need to read up on rotations you charlatans.
Monday, 30 March 2009
Moonkin Moaning
A Moment of Sadness
Those who are about to die (because huntards will return) salute you BRK. You get the Boomdaddy's love.
Sunday, 29 March 2009
Link loveliness
We danced the boomkin dance today, because of the links bestowed on fed our innate bloggers need for some attention and recognition. But it reminded us about why we bothered to start Boomkin blogging.
We started blogging because it is good to talk. When a class can come together and talk about *stuff*, it will inevitably end in good things happening. Dialogue is what takes our class forward. Talking to the Boommummy has taken both our dps to greater hights. Reading other Moonkin blogs has led to us taking on new ideas.
The thing is, i want to learn and get better. I'm a awkward cuss that is always right, but often I'm not. Reading and taking on ideas from fellow Boomkin is the stuff of life. As Bob Hoskins said, its good to talk.
Friday, 27 March 2009
Friday Mage Joke
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
BoomMummy changes
Day 1 was the decision to go buy this crack derived game! I did not think that I would be playing after a couple of months , let alone playing for years! I have a very low attention span for pc/console games and 2 games have only ever gripped me.. Command and Conquer Red Alert and the Total War series for the PC. My only MMO experience before WoW was Runescape. At the time the concept of MMO blew my mind, what with all these real people out there interacting in a completely new phase of social interaction. I knew parts of Runescape was what I wanted but also that it wasn't right for me long term. Hence I did my research and ended up purchasing WoW.
I remember clearly the day I purchased it and the excitement of reading the little game manual while I waited for it to load. Then came the first and last time I had to consider what class I wanted to play.( The decision to play alliance and the Bronzebeard server were made for me, as a wonderful lady I had met in a previous blogging life played on BB and was going to take me under her wing. The only problem was, we found out the next day, EU customers couldn't access USA servers and I had purchased the EU version in ignorance! Doh.) It simply had to be a druid! Everything about them screamed versatility, variety and well, fun. From those early beginnings in the druid noob zone, to outlands to Northrend, my druid has been my only real toon, no alliance alt has made it past 29. The druid is me, no other class has "felt" right....even down to not ever changing how he looks, with haircuts etc.
The second pivotal moment for the emerging Boomdaddy was brought about by meeting the Boomgrandaddy. Salmonella to be precise. He was one of the only balance druids at that time on our server and was also a guidmate. He was THE only Boomkin that you saw in Stormwind, he was the guy everyone asked to dance because he was relatively unique. Sal was also a guildie and helped me through the different druid quests, taught me to be less of a noob, taught me where to fish Deviates (when it really was a secret on Alliance side) to make loads of cash in order to buy my first mount. He didn't boost me through stuff, he simply talked me through it, taught self reliance...he really was a true druid mentor and I think I would have given up years ago if he hadn't showed me the ropes. The pivotal day was when we both got trees for the first time and danced the night away in SW surrounded by shrubbery. That day the Moonkin contract was signed in blood, there was no was any other class could be so full of win!
Guild politics and Outlands cocktail, was really what led to the last defining moment. The casual social guild that I had belonged to split, for several reasons, but looking back I think there was an underlying frustration at not "raiding". Raiding was completely alien to me. Yes , I had run all of the instances in Outlands but the emerging Kara was simply a pipe dream, something those hardcore guys in basements did whilst high on Red Bull and pro plus. A few of us stayed solo after the split but we shared a group calender and started to schedule runs into the new fangled heroics. Tor the rogue, his brother Demon the lock, Sal, myself, Letro the Pally (whose moustache alone can tank 3 mobs-true story), Ysanne the priest hit the heroics most nights , sometimes 2 per night. We formed a great team, which looking back now feels like the first real exposure to mini raiding that I had. Bosses were tough, tactics were talked, we used in game voice chat. I read about recount and Omen, worked out threat and gear and suddenly started to absorb some of the plethora of resources out there for us all to use and learn from.
The team split up though, when the others up and joined this weird social/raiding guild. I was sceptical and stayed away for a few months but one day went on a pug with a few of them by chance into the Slave Pens. That was the first time I met the Moonkin , now known as the Boommummy. A few days later I made an application (my God, imagine having to apply to a guild!!!) which probably to the horror now of my GM, was accepted. It was great to be back with old friends and seemed like a really new chapter had started in my WoW "career". Then it happened. Kara.
I had been in a couple of times in a pug wipefest on Attumen, so was not completely green but OMG what a different world, the first real world of raiding. Suddenly I found what I had always wanted out of this game, raiding. Hard fights where you were completely reliant on 9 other people to be at their best, to get you all through. Really learning how to squeeze every last drop of win out of your toon. Learning strategies, rotations, threat and mana management....simply awesome. A dedicated , social raiding guild. Casual in chat but in no way sloppy in raid. The thirst for raiding, That's what Kara gave me. That was my pivotal moment.
What was yours?
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Patchwerk Revisited
Monday, 23 March 2009
Sundays round up
We liked that. So the call went out for "lfm dps VOA HC" over the general channel. Only a few guildies online, so we went with the pug. Usually I don't pug, I mean i truly loathe pugging any shit. If I cant do it myself, I will go with friends or guildies but eating cat hair is preferable to pugging. But it's only Voa, how bad can it be. To be fair, it was not even remotely painfull and it struck me as a useful exercise. What i mean is, I spend all my raiding (and most playing time) with the same set of people...i know their limitations and where they excel...i know from the damage meters where roughly everyone should be and can see who is having a blinder or who is having a lousy day at the office. So it was refreshing to compare my dps and raid competency with 24 unknown raiders....people who I have seen around Dalaran, checked out their kit etc. The results made for a mildly smug Sunday dps was not earth shattering but sometimes we are an attention whore and like to see our name in lights.
Have a great Monday, Y'all.
Friday, 20 March 2009
How many Mages..
Depends how hard you throw them.
It's Friday Again - Mage Joke Time!
"Sorry, we don't sell to mages," he replied.
He hurried home and dressed up as a Warlock, borrowed a pet demon, then came back and again told the salesman, "I would like to buy this TV."
"Sorry, we don't sell to Mages," he replied.
"Darn, he recognized me," he thought.
He went for a complete disguise next time; a full feather suit with beak and antlers. Perfect, he thought, he’s bound to sell it to a Moonkin! Just to be sure, he waited a couple of days before he again approached the salesman. "I would like to buy this TV."
"Sorry, we don't sell to Mages," he replied.
Frustrated, he exclaimed, "How do you know I'm a Mage?"
"Because that's a microwave," he replied.
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Wednesday, After The Wishlist
I did not get any of the phat lootz that I was after, not even a moldy old limb. The only item to drop of any interest was the precious, tasty mage tears. /hug
Being a techno-tard, I haven't worked out to take a decent screen shot whilst at my home office, as I have two screens and it is baffling me.Any answers would be very gratefully recieved.
Patchwerk- Did not break 4.5k but did manage 4.38k which is a whole lot of happiness more than last week. We one shotted him, and the Boomdaddy came in 3rd, behind two warlocks as usual. The RNG was not at all kind and and I had to Wrath for what seemed like 30 seconds to get my first eclipse proc. Had fate and Blizzard been kinder, 4.5k would have got smished into tiny pieces, I think.We will break 5k before Ulduar , if it kills us.
Grob of green farts went down first time two, as he should, and we are pleased to have topped the chart on a boss for the first time in far too long.Yay for Boomkin. Gluth was a struggle but we still managed a very respectable second spot on the dps chart when he finally went to the puppy dog pound in the sky.
It was ironic that on a poor nights performance, the Boomdaddy had 3 of our best boss kill results.
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
No News Tuesday
It is Naxx 25 tonight, though, so we may have some news tomorow, if..
1-We get enough sign ups
2-We don't get drunk after being shafted by biggest customer and get arrested for being drunk in charge of a molotov cocktail
3- We remember to turn the damn combat log on
What we wish for tonight....
1- At least 3 wings down
2-4.5k on Patchwerk- any less and we call fail. Failing non fail, we demand his arm/leg/limb
3- Some new bracers from the Raz-man or at least gimme the damn idol
4-Maybe new boots from Loatheb
5- Some nice legs from thenoob'rekhan
6-Sweet tasting mage tears
Yes we need upgrades, our wardrobe is looking soooooo February.
Monday, 16 March 2009
Old Skool Raiding
Friday, 13 March 2009
BoomMummy's Joke
The Warlock, because the Mage has to ask for directions.
Boom Joke Friday
After a gruelling day of being holier than thou, a young Paladin was strolling down the sandy beaches of Stranglethorn Vale, taking in the bracing sea air and thinking about all things bright and beautiful. In the distance he spies a small fishing boat, occupied by two legendary Moonkins. As he gets closer he spots a flailing, drowning gnome mage near to the boat and cries out in alarm. Thankfully the two Moonkin had obviously caught the poor mage by a rope and were pulling him on board to safety.
"Blessings of the Holy light be upon you two noble Moonkins" the paladin bellowed in his best clerical voice. "I will extol your virtuous actions in the Cathedral this very eve. Bless you again!"
The paladin continued his stroll with a jaunty stride, full of admiration for the heroes.
The first Moonkin turns to the second...."what a noob" he sighs,
"Yup, never been shark fishing".
BoomMummy has had nice Evening
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Naughty BoomBashers Naughty Boomkins
The basic gist if you haven't clicked on the link and read it, is a scenario where the balance specced druid (careful use or wording there, did ya notice?) has pulled almighty agro with starfall and presumably hurricane. The poster priest has to shield him/her in order to stop them becoming road kill, the tank struggles to regain aggro and the artist formerly known as a Boomkin, typhoons the mobs away, leaving the poor tank to scuttle after them and try somehow to regain aggro.
Ok wings up, all Boomkins have done this at least once in their careers. You know what though?, we did it as a laugh on the friday- night- bit pissed on cheap wine- instance runs with guildies. We have done it for comic effect to annoy our lovely feral tank and grumpy shaman guild leader. We have done it in runs through ZG, nuking the bejesus out of low level mobs in a retarded AoE contest with locks and Magetards. Ok, so read all the above, it was done a handful of times for shit and giggles.
If you are a Boomkin that does this kind of thing in PuG's, instances and raids, then the Boomdaddy's Eye of Mordor is on you. You are an embarrassment and a disgrace. Stripped of the Boomkin title, you will walk the street of shame being known as "just a balance spec druid". Mages and Locks pull this kind of shit trying to be top of the pops, we do not.
We remember what it was like in TBC when we were aggro magnets and how we couldn't put out the damage of dps clasess. We remember being told by a raiding guild that the only use for a Boomkin was on a BBQ and was told to respec.../gquit.We learnt the rules of aggro, we learned spell rotation, we tried to assemble workable kit (despite of Blizzard). Of course we want to do as high a damage level of possible, thats part of our job in a raid...part of, remember that. We rez, we cross heal and sometimes if you are really cute or have a sexy teamspeak voice we may even give you our innervate juice. Dps is the thing we do when not holding the raid together.
Do not act the bollocks and get us bad raid rep, do not undo a lot of hard work by a lot of decent Boomkin players. Get your Omen threat meter. Analyze your spec and rotations, learn the consequences of your actions. Typhoon should not be taken out of your bag of tricks in a raid unless it is to get mobs of the healer in an emergency, The list of times when Starfall should realistically be used in end game WoTLK raiding is thinner than a hungry stick insect. That's why I call it an AK47 in the hands of a toddler, bad things tend to happen if you are not smart.
So what has gone wrong? Why are there some "balance specced druids" out there causing a kerfuffle. Lets look at the Boomkin timeline.
Early TBC
Lets face it we were pretty crap. Gear was mostly pvp or paint explosion mismatch of cloth and leather. Even specced for threat reduction we pulled more than Brad Pitt in a singles and divorced club. We were the poster child for Lynx deodorant. Half the time we were waiting for the Omen bong bong bong noise to go away. Raid guilds used us as target dummies for melon throwing practice.
Middle TBC
Things seemed to get better. Broader minded raid guilds started to pick up a few Boomkins and we became a steady raid members. Our reasonable dps, raid utility and buffs were finally considered raid worthy. Top 5 dps places were pretty standard.
Late TBC
As with other classes, things got silly. God gave us a viable AoE and crowd control. We nuked the Locks into second place. We were the daddy and the mummy rolled into one. Some people got lazy....that's problem 1.
Early Wrath
Problem 2 emerges with the rise of Wrath. Now that Boomkins were really BOOOOOOMKINS they started appearing everywhere. Every druid I saw seemed to have turned balance to get to 80. Good luck to them and I hope they enjoyed the experience. Some have not gone back to what they were good at though and we appear to have inherited a new tier of Moonkins. Lacking in experience, skill and code. Don't shout... my point is a player could have easily leveled from 70-80 in 3-4 weeks and that is not what I call experienced. Some are great though, of course!
Blizzard is partly to blame for the laziness in all the dps classes. When you can AoE bulldoze your way through NAXX with no real need for crowd control, people will take the easy option. This was one reason why our GM banned us all from AoE'ing mobs in naxx (apart from the obvious AoE groups), people were forgetting how to single target mobs and pulling AoE bullshit all the time.
Conclusion. The lazy nuking druids need to remember the basics and work hard again, the fresh faces need to do their research. In that way the Boomdaddy will not get indigestion from reading BoomBashing on very eminent and well respected blogs, and would get some work done. Where I would never like to read our spec being derided, it is good to hear others views on our class, so we can continue to improve as the highest evolution of druid.
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
BoomMummy celebrates
Sunday, 8 March 2009
Patchwerk Punting
Did we make top 3?...nope...7th place with 4011dps on him (lovely but infuriating rogue was 555 total damage done above me in 6th grrrr). The important thing is we have done it, stepped up to a happier , higher level of dps. Before the fight I had a quick half hour of "eye of the tiger" warming up on target dummies, with the best result being 2980 till OOOMitis set in.
On the loot front, Boomdaddy is a very happy thunder chicken today. We woke up with the delight of equipping Dying Curse ! It does mean a whole mass of changing gear and gems, but its a sacrifice we are willing to make. We can kiss goodbye to the trinket of non-proccness now. Die No Proc Whetstone .
After the Naxx clearance , we went on to say hi to Malygos. Meh i hate that flippin' boss, his death still eludes me.5th place dps was better than 7th though. I wonder if my regular top 3 spot days are gone for good.
Saturday, 7 March 2009
PTR lurve
Starfall cool down has been lowered from 3 min to 1.5 min.
When you absolutely, positively have to pull/kill every muther fooker in the room.Twice. We like anything that gives us the chance to do more damage but still not totally convinced that starfall has any great use in PVE. Is is a huge mana sink. We do love it in PvP though and will make AOE farming quicker. B+
Eclipse now gives you a 33% chance of increasing damage done by Wrath by 30% (up from 20%) when you critically hit with Starfire.
I will wait to read what the theory-crafting numberkins have to say about this. Does it mean that starfire to proc wrath eclipse will be the new black? Damn I was just getting used to it! I think the pendulum swings back to Starfire proccing Wrath as the highest dps rotation, but without some bimbling about I'm unsure how the changes to natures grace will work. B
Owlkin Frenzy now affects all attacks. (Old - Physical melee and ranged attacks only)
Good to see Blizz have changed their minds again. Enough said. B+ for waking up, Blizz.
Celestial Focus now reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attacks while casting Starfire, Hibernate and Cyclone by 23/46/70% and increases your total spell haste by 1/2/3%.
Losing the stun will effect PvPr's and leveling Boomkins the most. The stun was practically useless for raiding Moonkins. Think overall it just helps me sleep at night better knowing I have this instead of Owlkin frenzy.
Nature's Grace now increasing your spell casting speed by 20% for 3 sec. (Old - Reduced the casting time of your next spell by 0.5 sec.)
Haven't had any coffee yet but i think this is good news. 3 second duration......guessing haste will become even more important so that you can get off 3 wraths or 2 starfires during the proc.
Faerie Fire and Faerie Fire (Feral) now reduces the armor of the target for 5 min. (Up from 40 sec) Duration remains 40sec in PvP.
Even without coffee, I know this is good news. Little bit of wee, good news. IFF will no longer be a ginger step child spell. 5 mins!!!!! Bloody fantastic! Mana efficiency without pissing about with rotations.5% armour reduction and 3% haste for the raid, additionally 3% crit to us lovelies.Roll up roll up. We like. We like more than that exotic dancer we met in Greece. A+
Insect Swarm: The bonus damage from spellpower on this damage over time ability has been increased significantly to match similar spells on other classes.
Again, this will be one for the brainbox Boomkins to suss out. But it looks like fabulous news for the DoT.A-
I think thats it. All in all some good news. We will just have so see what else comes out of the rinse and whether or not these changes ever make it live.
Friday, 6 March 2009
Boomkin 1 Technology 0
Go me! Bit small but its my first attempt! I downloaded Gimp and have tried the picture crop, with some practice I may even become vaguely able to use the damn thing. Anyhoo that's a quick snapshot of last nights 3 wing clearance of Naxx 25. Curses on locks, hunters and rogues.
Yup, the Boomdaddy was lying down on the job again. Its a sad day when the raid leader says "and the Boomdaddy will be showing you all where the lava burst comes from" as part of his stand up routine. It was one of four deaths I incurred, in a little disappointing personal performance.
Crit watch says 57% on wrath and 82% for starfire. Crit based mana regen 185,000 over the 9 bosses. Eclipse procced 54 times. One stat that is a tad concerning is that the Meteorite Whetstone only procced 2 times over 3 hours on the 9 bosses. To me , that's a whole load of haste that ain't happening. Its a fill in trinket while we wait for the best in slots, yes, but still it needs to get its thumb out of its arse or it will get filed under b for bin.