The highest evolution of druid

Thursday, 16 April 2009

Patch day- Ulduar

Bring it on!

About goddam time.

Moawr dps.

(strangely raid sign ups seem to be back to overflowing, ho hum)


  1. DV(strangely raid sign ups seem to be back to overflowing, ho hum) Theres a shock eh :D

    I'll stick to levelling my Shammy i think and bugger Ulduar

  2. I don't know how I missed this, but that picture is essentially what patch day was like. We didn't get online until around 10:00.

    And on Wednesday, our normal 27 or so people online at raid time skyrocketed to 40. Hmm, odd how conveniently that occurs, isn't it?

  3. yeah, suddenly all our problems dissapear, when patch day comes. Work issues, personnal problems and connection glitches all dissapear in a puff of Ulduar.
