The highest evolution of druid

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Old and New

Old skool raiding.

That is the old. Apparently this will be the new.

Thank fuck.

Times are a changing

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Boomdaddy Busy with Boombaby

Been a tad busy with helping a guildie level her Boombaby, chilling and actually enjoying the game for a bit. Its an investment as we are planning a podcast and she will be featured, telling her story from 70-80..... BoomMummy will also be on the podcast but she's not happy about it. Shes an internationally famous musical person but a bit shy.May take some encouragement.

Ulduar has come, thank god. Its hard..harder than a guy in a mac, standing on street corners, playing with mustard. Dirty mac, with dirty bits of onions where they should not be. We wiped on trash and we have never been so pleased. It has made the guild re-assess what we are and what we are doing. It is also seperating the wheat from the chaff.

We went back to Naxx 25 tonight, for a breather...and also to gear up some guildies. It is ironic that we are doing that now, when they could not be arsed to bother to sign up in the Ulduar-lul.
If they had all stuck around and raided in the lull, we would have been ready for Ulduar, they could not be bothered though, so we have to go back and pick up the pieces. The Boomdaddy was second overall in damage, but we did not run WWS so we dont know the breakdown. 4413 overall. Pleased enough, jobs a good'en.

As a side note Boommummy had her birthday today, she still whooped the pure classes even though she was a bit squiffy.God bless her and a big "happy boomday" to her. We all wish many happy returns...she got the Dying Curse, so can't complain, the moaning cow.

Summary is that Blizz may have saved its arse for a bit, as Ulduar seems a good enough gear and skill check for now. How are you guys finding it? Any adjustments being made in the guild to cope with it?

Friday, 17 April 2009

Friday Mage Joke

Hi again!

Well amongst all the excitement with the new patch, I've managed to find time to track down this little joke for you all:

Sally Fireball, our favourite mage, has the same recurring nightmare, so decides to consult a local shaman.
Shaman: What's your dream about?
Sally:  I was being chased by the Lich King!
Shaman:  Where were you being chased?
Sally: Down a really long hallway.
Shaman: Then what happens?
Sally: Well, this is the weird thing.  In every dream it's the same.  At the end of the hallway is a single door, and when I come to it I can't open it, no matter how hard I push.  I keep pushing and pushing but the door just won't budge.
Shaman:  Interesting....  does the door have any writing on it?
Sally:  Yes it does.
Shaman:  And what does it say?
Sally: It says 'pull'.

Thursday, 16 April 2009

Patch day- Ulduar

Bring it on!

About goddam time.

Moawr dps.

(strangely raid sign ups seem to be back to overflowing, ho hum)

Friday, 10 April 2009

Mage Joke

A Mage, Moonkin and Warlock were forced by a wicked witch to jump over a cliff, but their fairy godmother obtained a magical concession for them - whatever word they spoke before they jumped they would land in.
'Feathers' said the Moonkin, and he landed on a soft bed of feathers.
'Cushions' said the Warlock and he landed on a pile of nice cushions.
The Mage ran up to the cliff, tripped over, stubbed his toe, 'Shit!' he said...

Thursday, 9 April 2009


Ulduar-lull seems to be killing everything, raid-wise. We will vent here a bit, as we are less likely to offend guildies. Decent raid composition is getting to be like rocking horse shit. People are not signing up, or are just waiting in under geared sidelines waiting to be lapped up and appreciated. Hanging around on alts, pouting and it is starting to drive me bonkers.

I DO like being in a social/rading/casual/whatthefuckareweguild. I do , honestly. But it has it's frustrations. Listening to the Epic Dolls last podcast had me nodding and shaking my head in tandem. Go listen, its good stuff. Casual, intermediate or hardcore...that is the question..and there are no slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.

Our guild manifesto clearly states that we will never be a hardcore raiding guild but our rules say that everyone must be fully gemmed, enchanted, buffed, food-ed up, flasked etc if they wish to raid. We do ask people to watch videos and learn fights.Too fucking right, I might add.

Are we social, are we dedicated? Laissez-faire or progressive? Caught in the gap, I think it will be called.

The problems are many and not easily solved.

Firstly, you have the old skool, the founding fathers. They were a bunch of good friends that started playing WoW and formed a guild of close mates, which then grew. Some are casual and social, some are pioneers and raid-addicts, some are lazy arsed bastards that cannot be bothered, as their role is set in stone.

Secondly we have many social members, as we are a "social" guild. Many are great and due to life's rich tapestry, can only play as social members. That is coolio in the Boomdady's book. They add allot on a social basis, that's we are about, right.

Thirdly -the Slackers. They have had their loot and now watch, like purvey raincoat wearing deviants. "Good luck tonight" they say before making some excuse as to why they cannot raid...then turn up on an alt and spend the night leveling.Or have "serious connection issues"....same old same old, ball sacks. I have never known as many connection issues, graphic card failures or other wibbly pc shit in all my life.

Fourthly- the lurkers. The ones that can not be arsed to enchant or gem their gear, or sign up for raids. They lurk in dark corners waiting to ninja a raid invite. They get asked to come as the raid is short, inevitably picking up gear that they don't deserve , after being given flasks and food because "they did not expect to to be asked to raid". Fuck off and die, please you gravy sucking pigs.

Lastly- plain old slags. Got the loot and have disappeared till Ulduar. Or the Cal-syndrome as I will call it. Because we are "social" you will all come running back when Ulduar drops. We will be understanding because you had serious pc issues, while you were actually off leveling your alts.

deep breath.

Is there any real way to maintain a "social/casual/wtf" raiding guild, long term? Or will the best raiders disappear to progress guilds every summer and chancers use us to get gear in the meantime?As they seem to do every year.

Can there be a good middle ground? or do intermediate guilds need to say "Fuck em all and share the kids out for Christmas". We maybe "casual" but it does not mean we have to be casual, or complacent or naive.

You tell me, rant over.

Monday, 6 April 2009

Busy Busy

Life has been busy mcbizz. And Wow has been weird, just plain weird. We were raiding Friday night and it was due to be an Eye of Eternity and then finish off the last 5 Naxx 25 bosses. Unfortunately, sorry arsed guildies continue to be in the Ulduar-lull mindset and are couldn't care bears. So Officers chat goes something like this-

GM- 21 signed up...1 not ready. Call it or do Sarth 20 man achievement?

Officers chat- *groan*

GM- Fook off we can do it

OC- Fook off, we can't

GM- WE ARE going to do it.

OC- *Sobs*

GM- In that case we will do it with 1 drake up too.

OC- *Screams of pain from officers.*

GM- Well, we lose 5 people straight away normally, so really it is like we have a full team, just without the deaths.

OC-Twisted logic, but logic just the same.

GM- GM logic at its finest.

Sooo long and short of it, half hour or so later we downed Sarth +1 with 20 peeps. Not bad eh, for a hardcore/social/casual/sort of raiding guild. After that little adventure you would think the Military quarter and last 2 bosses would be a cake walk, to complete a two day clearance, right? Nope, we then wiped all night on the Instructor with 25 peeps.

Funny old life huh?

Thursday, 2 April 2009

Friday's come early!

This one couldn't wait:  enjoy the early Friday Mage Joke!

BoomMummy XXX

Tucked away inside a mysterious, backstreet building in Dalaran there’s a magical mirror. You stand in front of it and tell it one fact that you think is true. If that thought indeed is true, the magical mirror will grant you one wish… but if your thought is false - PLOFF! – the mirror swallows you up for all eternity.

A Warlock, Moonkin and a Mage walk into that very building - with a mission to get their dearest wishes granted. They head straight for the magic mirror. The Warlock goes first and says, ‘I think I’m the best DPS class there is!’ - PLOFF! - the mirror swallows her up and she’s gone for eternity.

Next, the Moonkin goes up to the mirror and says ‘I think Battle rezzing really nerfs my DPS’  - PLOFF! - now she’s gone too.

Lastly, the Mage goes up to the mirror and says, ‘I think…’ - PLOFF!

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

We love VoA

Tuesday night before the reset, so its only one thing, VoA... We smish smash the horde into little pieces of orc juice in WG and head on in to VoA. (we love the horde really, they have droods too). For the gazzilonth time, nothing dropped for the Boomdaddy, but we haz dps. We like making mages cry, we like the taste of their tears, its always better though when its a grand slam....only a hunter was missing to humiliate.

Shammy 2nd, Shadow Whoos 3rd, Lock 4th, Mage 5th, Deathnugget 6th....shame on you all. And shame on the Boomkin in 9th and need to read up on rotations you charlatans.